Entering the Second Quarter

Allison Bonilla
2 min readApr 3, 2024
Canva Pro

As we enter April, I reflect on my resolution at the start of 2024 to reduce my online presence and prioritize face-to-face connections. Covid precautions heavily influenced the past three years, pushing many networking and business activities into the digital realm. Time has truly flown by.

During this period, I decided to disengage from groups where I felt there wasn’t a reciprocal exchange of value. These groups, primarily for networking, became more of a pleasant distraction for me, so I let them go. If you haven’t yet evaluated your online commitments, I encourage you to do so. You might be surprised by how many pleasant distractions you’re entangled in.

However, one group I held onto dearly was my Mastermind group. Over the past year, we’ve supported each other through the highs and lows of our professional endeavors, holding one another accountable despite being spread across different states and countries. When membership was up for renewal, all the members unanimously paid for the renewal of their memberships reaffirming the value we found in this group.

One of the most beneficial aspects has been the constructive feedback and critique we provide each other on projects and events. We’ve helped each other refine our work through beta testing and honest evaluations. It’s not always easy to hear criticism, but it’s often necessary for…



Allison Bonilla

Relationship Coach, Work-life Balance Strategist, and Christian Coach. I serve people who want healthier relationships at home and in the office.